My blog pages was printed out by some kiddies using company toner, company printer and proudly department whiteboard. Part of the comment srh i ingat Tuhan & Muhasabah diri. Alhamdullilah. Tq sbb sudi tegur i to muhasabah diri. I accept that sbb sometimes kita lalai or leka kan. Sbb i pun manusia biasa banyak cacat cela.
And i was so lucky to have them yg slalu bermuhasabah sesama sdiri. Saling ingat mengigati. Solat yg xhenti2. Yg slalu berdakwah agar kwn2 lain tidak leka dgn duniawi. Alhamdullilah.
Maybe the commentator/s just read my blog. Some of the entries was about 2 3 years back. because as i can clearly remember, i start blogging since 2008.
and yet i realized, there will be somebody tulis2 some silly cartoons and comments even towards our boss almost single day on the whiteboard itself.

My photos with my face on it was scratch. At my cubicle.
And i was so lucky to have them yg slalu bermuhasabah sesama sdiri. Saling ingat mengigati. Solat yg xhenti2. Yg slalu berdakwah agar kwn2 lain tidak leka dgn duniawi. Alhamdullilah.
Maybe the commentator/s just read my blog. Some of the entries was about 2 3 years back. because as i can clearly remember, i start blogging since 2008.
and yet i realized, there will be somebody tulis2 some silly cartoons and comments even towards our boss almost single day on the whiteboard itself.

My photos with my face on it was scratch. At my cubicle.

and last week was even worst then ever, somebody stupidly claimed that she accidentally throw my breakfast in the rubbish bin.
She came to apologized as she said 'dia xsengaja'.
ok..whatever dolls.....
ask yourselves, what did i do to u? especially u who your uncle once begged me just to take u to join the company way back on 2005. or last time " kakak, boleh xbg saya milo 3 in 1. ada biskut x?Saya rasa lapar" and i was running to the pharmacy next door just to get u a panadol...sbb masa tu i ksian tgk dia always sakit2. And even now, he was still so sick...
Does it rings any bell?
U should feel ashamed of yourself.
and now u think u r that good enough huh?
p/s: requote what uncle leo
sapa mkn cili, dia pdas sdiri :)!

cukup menyampah dgn org mcm ni..syukur tuhan tak jadi kan kita begitu..aminn...
fuhh, ada gak manusia lagu ni...mintak simpang malaikat 44 dpt manusia camni
Jahat betul lah. Apa yang dia dengki sangat kat u N sampai macam tu skali dia buat. Tak pasal² gambar U & ameer yg comel tu pon di rosakkannya...haihhhh...manusia jenis apa ni yer.
hari2 senyum je pi kije...dlm hati sape yg tahu....huhuhuhu...:)!
hari2 senyum je pi kije...dlm hati sape yg tahu....huhuhuhu...:)!
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