Went on sunday pas trun dr GH...The crowd i tell u....perghhh...buat berpeluh ktiak hokey. Punyalah rmai. Yelah. Org nk beraya christmas kan. Pokok krismas nya xcantik ahhh....xde hape pun i nk beli....hahahha...bole caya ke nie?

I only went to kinderjik booth. alah....yg spesel offer tu mmg lah ado but not into my taste. Tp puting ngan avent isis manual tu mmg promo giler2. and as usual, cha ya nun alif mmg rmai. Depa punya kesedaran utk breastfeeding mmg superb. Another things, yg promo cord blood tue....depa saja.
I bukan nk bg negative comment. But kdg2 tgk malay mothers ni adalah mcm culas2 skit nk breastfeeding. Tp bila tgk kaum yg tue, i rasa mcm tergezut....xde tulis dlm kitab depa pun tau... hahahhaha....jap lg haku kena hantam plak.....:P!

Ni jelah hasil yg i bwk balik. Tupun breastpad bli di jusco sbb ada disocunt 20%. last time i pkai dispo pi kije, lbt pump jer, slmt lah baju mcm pegi berenang. Yg lain2 tu si ameer punya. Nothing for baby A. hahahahha...

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