This week mmg pnuh dgn drama....i bkn drama queen dah...drama king nie...haahahaha....lps checkup arituh mr doc asked me to take another MGTT test. hahahah....hantam...
So after fasting berguling2 at 8.30 am i's lemon flavour this time. better then before. However i found out that this time task is easier..maybe sbb i dh ready kot...ngeh! ngeh!....
Results will be out on monday...Insyallah will be ok sbb mmg i jnis xmkn benda2 manis nie....we'll see...
So after fasting berguling2 at 8.30 am i's lemon flavour this time. better then before. However i found out that this time task is easier..maybe sbb i dh ready kot...ngeh! ngeh!....
Results will be out on monday...Insyallah will be ok sbb mmg i jnis xmkn benda2 manis nie....we'll see...

baru tau MGTT ni ada flavour. hehe..
yup baru tau ada perasa, lemon sudah semestinya best, tak le muntah
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