Guess What?
Finally i'm letting go this elegent pushchair....;)!
Need some fund though....hahahahahah!!!!
It is complete with everything...
Even the original box is still intact and it is like new....;)!
Ha girls....x terliur ker?
Aliff used the frame for his Cabriofix only. But Sorry i'm not selling the Cabrio yeah!
Sbb since aliff kcik i dh start babywearing him....;)!

Any lovely ladies want to give this precious a new home?
Text me ok....
@ 012- 3177142
or korang malu2....
u girls can just email me
Finally i'm letting go this elegent pushchair....;)!
Need some fund though....hahahahahah!!!!
It is complete with everything...
Even the original box is still intact and it is like new....;)!
Ha girls....x terliur ker?
Aliff used the frame for his Cabriofix only. But Sorry i'm not selling the Cabrio yeah!
Sbb since aliff kcik i dh start babywearing him....;)!

Any lovely ladies want to give this precious a new home?
Text me ok....
@ 012- 3177142
or korang malu2....
u girls can just email me

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