Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Swelling Face With Swelling Heart

Korang pun prasan kan, i ni mcm malas je nk update....padahal dlm draft tu mcm2 ado...ntah...

Maybe dh start xde mojo nk update kot....huhuhu...or mungkin disebabkan muka i ni xbrapa nak baik lagi...nk cantik kan...kenalah berkorban...ahaks...statement mcm aku artis jer...dulu i artis lah...

Skrg i artis my boys...depa pun xlrt tgk mak dia ronggeng lagu 'put the rings on it'....i know sure korg pun imagine sama kan....betapa huduhnya ....

Did my laser last week...instead of EMLA ( hope this is right ), the doc put me on Local Anaes. dlm OT room bagai. Can u imagine, i cucuk tang sana, cucuk tang sini kt muka i. More then 10 spots. Sakitnya hanya Allah yg tahu. I prayed that the Plastic surgeon tahu hape yg dia buat!

i wonder those yg pkai botox kan....harus tahan sakit yg teramat sgt sbb nk cantik jelita. Pas dh cucuk Local, tgu skjp till the laser procedure come. Off course u xrasa apa, tp trust me, the Local is moreeeeeeeeeee painfull then the laser itself...dia gonyoh muka mcm gonyoh baju kotor je wei....hambik ko!

Kluar jugak lah air mata setitis dua...hahahahah!!! Tp c monlah....sakit branak kita boleh tahan inikan plak just nk buang few hyperpigmentation jer...

Dun ask me about the cost, sbb org lain yg bayar...hahhahah!! The procedure takes about 20 mins. Then settle. Balik ke wad, doc check itu ini trus discharge. another 2 weeks for Plastic appointment.

mmg now muka xcure lg. Still bengkak sana sini. Doc advice to use sunblock with higher spf...dan2 tu jugak i pi bli yg 130SPf...haaaaa...!!!

Avoid direct contact with sunlight...but mmg terasa lah pdihnya this 2 3 days....tahankan aja...tu yg mood pun ntah hape2...pgi kije pun mcm mlayang2 jer....

Hopefully my face will cure asap....:)! xpyh i berpurdah lagi...ahaks....:)!


♥MAMASYAZA♥ said...

moga muka N cepat sembuh ok

Nuroll said...

tq kak....:(!