owh...sape punya tgn xpyh nk ngaku. I pun xnk tahu. :)!
But to those who increase my traffic this 2 3 days, thanks sbb insyallah my BE ada masyuk skit. U all dpt ape? Zero....:)!
I will not simply forgive nor forget. So remember that....
BTW korg patut tgk status korg kt FB. How they shout and tweet about 'the ahli jemaah' lawak hokey. Lots of comments from there.
Lps words BLOGSPOT, we'll learn on COMMENTS but bukan di whiteboard tau...pastu kita TWEET.
p/s: i suka jugak print & paste something....but those days lah....masa TADIKA dulu...kolaj technique namanya. And surely not on Office White Board Dolls!!!
adik tampal2, akak sorak2, pakcik gelak2 .... rhymes!!!
But to those who increase my traffic this 2 3 days, thanks sbb insyallah my BE ada masyuk skit. U all dpt ape? Zero....:)!
I will not simply forgive nor forget. So remember that....
BTW korg patut tgk status korg kt FB. How they shout and tweet about 'the ahli jemaah' lawak hokey. Lots of comments from there.
Lps words BLOGSPOT, we'll learn on COMMENTS but bukan di whiteboard tau...pastu kita TWEET.
p/s: i suka jugak print & paste something....but those days lah....masa TADIKA dulu...kolaj technique namanya. And surely not on Office White Board Dolls!!!
adik tampal2, akak sorak2, pakcik gelak2 .... rhymes!!!

either mangkuk yang tampal2 tu x cukup fikiran (aka golongan istimewa) atau x pernah seumur hidup bukak blog (entah2 x de blog pun) atau otak dia litar pintas atau skrew tercabut gamaknya... kalu x puas hati cakap la depan2.. bukan dgn cara PENGECUT mcm tu.. Laki ke perempuan??? buang aje anu kat longkang.. kenapa dia terasa sgt?? bukan ke org2 tua dulu ckp siapa mkn cili dia la terasa pedas.. haih!!!! nak cium kasut saiz 10 agaknya??
errmmmmm masing2 ada masalah sdiri... maybe mental state of mind depa xbrapa nk generate btul.
saya ksian ngan parent dorg. mmg pathetic for me. Should ashamed of themselves.
dh kena dah....malu sdiri....
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