I adalah seorg yg fussy when it comes to movies nie.... hahahha... bukan i xsuka tgk cite melayu, but sometimes the lawak tu mcm bodo skit and xnmpk gempak lsg. Tp Adnan sempit ngan ngankung tu lainlah kan. Kalu x xde lah kutip spai juta2 kan. hahhaha.....peace yer!!
The latest malay movie is Hantu Mak LimahHape kejadah dgn Janin which is not suitable for me yg tgh heavily bwk perot nie. I've read the review on Mak Lampir Limah tu but most is negative. So it's a No No! Janin? Mcm lah korg xbiasa tgk cite hantu mlayu kan...hahhahah....
So last friday midnite we opt for this TRON, sebenarnya hati nk tgk Gulliver tu sbb ada Jack Black kan. The story is good. Esp the prop and all. Ameer pun mmg sukalah bab2 motor nie kan. One more thing, the music arrangement..ada mcm GAGA skit...mmg besh! :)!
So bolelah bwk anak yg tgh cuti skola ni watchin TRON Legacy yer! :)!
The latest malay movie is Hantu Mak Limah
So last friday midnite we opt for this TRON, sebenarnya hati nk tgk Gulliver tu sbb ada Jack Black kan. The story is good. Esp the prop and all. Ameer pun mmg sukalah bab2 motor nie kan. One more thing, the music arrangement..ada mcm GAGA skit...mmg besh! :)!
So bolelah bwk anak yg tgh cuti skola ni watchin TRON Legacy yer! :)!

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