Hi there,
Welcome to my blog dedicated to those who are closed to my heart. There's no other than U guys. u can absolutely leave any comment and suggestions here. Make it positive and sweet ones. Thanks Guys!
I mls nk post any entry. So i uploaded ameer's photo. Lyn jelah yer....kepada aunty2 yg rindu pd si ameer, boleh lah tatap gambar ni puas2.....hahhahahaha...
i loike!!
sukanyaa tgk gambar yg no3 dari bawah tu...
huhuhu....i dunno but si ameer ni mmg suka sgt camera....
dear sis , [sy gune sis sebab sy tau sy mude lagi , haha] . pakai camera ape eh ? gamba ameer tu chantekk sgt sgt [honestly chakap]
its nikon D90 dear.
oh , thanks =)
u're welcome lalah....
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